Name/surname correction

First or last name change

Passengers with misspelled first or last names are not allowed to the FlyArystan flights.

The passenger’s first and last names should be filled in Latin according to the passport or ID.

Misspelling in first or last names 

In case of incorrect order or other spelling error (less than 3 letters), the passenger must contact the place where the ticket was purchased. The correction is chargeable.

If the ticket was purchased on the website or in the FlyArystan mobile application, then the correction of the surname or name is paid * (with a service fee **) and is allowed if there are less than three errors, while the sound of the surname or name does not change the meaning. For example: Boranbaef on Boranbayev, Sania on Saniya.

For correction, please contact

  • FlyArystan call center +7 727 331-10-10
  • LiveChat on
  • Whatsapp Bot by number + 7 702 702 0227

no later than 3 hours before departure for international flights and no later than 2 hours for domestic flights. The correction may be denied if the passenger did not provide supporting documents in advance.

The change of the surname/ name is NOT allowed if the general meaning of the name changes (even if there are less than three errors) For example: Alina on Amina, Nurmaganbetov on Nurmanbetov

In other more complex cases (for example, misplace, the last name is indicated twice, the abbreviated name is entered etc.), you must contact the

  • FlyArystan call center +7 727 331-10-10
  • LiveChat on
  • Whatsapp Bot by number + 7 702 702 0227

and send correct data to

* starting 01.02.2022

** a service fee is charged for issuing a new ticket, since the passenger's personal data (last name or first name) is corrected, a new ticket is issued. Tariffs for additional services can be found at

Complete change of first or last name

A complete change of the passenger's surname or name is possible only if there is an official document confirming the change. It is necessary to send an application no later than 24 hours before departure to the email address with a scanned copy of a new passport (in color), a scanned copy (in color) of a document confirming the change of surname or name (marriage certificate, divorce certificate, etc.) and call the contact center +7 727 331-10-10.

If the ticket was issued after the issue date of new documents, the application for changing the data will be not accepted. It is necessary to issue a refund of the ticket with the old data in accordance with the fare rules and purchase a new ticket.

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