If you are planning a business trip or traveling as a tourist from Astana, you will definitely need Astana - Uralsk cheap flight tickets, which you can buy on our airline’s website. All you need is to choose proper dates, specify the number of adults and children and choose an extra service, if needed.
FlyArystan operates daily direct flights from Uralsk to Atyrau. FlyArystan fleet consists of Airbus 320 aircraft with a capacity of 180 passengers.
Since the flight is direct ticket price is not inexpensive. FlyArystan operates based on the low-cost model, which implies cheap flights. The main advantages of low-cost carriers as compared to traditional airlines are as follows:
Despite the fact that our airline offers competitive prices for flights to Uralsk, you have an opportunity to further reduce prices using some lifehacks.
If you are not tied to a specific day of the week, it is best to plan a flight on Tuesday, Wednesday or Saturday. On these days, the price for Astana - Uralsk flights are most often lower. Seasonality is another important factor. The cold season is usually the season of low prices. Therefore, if the time of year is of minor importance for you, you should consider traveling in winter. It is more profitable to buy round tickets. The FlyArystan website offers a convenient booking and search system making it possible to quickly find and buy a ticket from our airline. The earlier you decide to buy flight ticket, the more profitable it will be. It will also help you to plan your schedule in detail and to design the optimal travel route.
FlyArystan, as a division of Air Astana, provides air transportation under the international standards. The company’s modern fleet, as well as highly-qualified employees and pilots make every effort to make your travel from Astana to Uralsk with FlyArystan comfortable and safe.