The distance between the cities is more than 400 kilometres, but the flights from Astana to Pavlodar are in great demand among FlyArystan passengers. If you choose our airline, it will take you about an hour to get to Pavlodar (without any stopovers). And last but not least, you can buy a plane ticket from Astana to Pavlodar online at the price of a train or bus ticket.
You can manage the ticket price on your own. We do not add ancillary services to the price of flight tickets. You can choose the desired ancillary services on your own. When you find the desired flight ticket, click on the “Select” button. The system will offer you four available types of tickets and more detailed information about services on board: Standard, Standard Plus, Comfort and Comfort Plus.
We recommend that you to use the following ancillary services:
The flights from Astana to Pavlodar are operated after 11:00 every day. Whatever the purpose of you trip, you can plan your time in Pavlodar, because you have the entire day in front you. The flight time is about one hour. Thus, you will not get tired and will be able to get down to business immediately upon landing.
In order to buy an Astana – Pavlodar ticket, you need to fill out the information fields in the Flight tab on the main page of the website. Enter the city of departure – Astana in the “From” field and arrival – Pavlodar in the “To” field, dates of the planned trip and number of passengers (adults and children) and click on the Search button. The system will process your request and offer available Astana – Pavlodar flight options. You will find information about airports of arrival and departure, price, duration of flight and time of departure.
If you have any questions when booking a ticket, please contact the FlyArystan Support Service. The qualified staff will always be ready to advise you on all issues. In addition, you may even issue a plane ticket via the phone.
Passengers give positive feedbacks on services of FlyArystan:
Pavlodar International Airport is located 14 km south of the city. You can use public transport – bus No. 22. Fare: 50 tenge.
If you have some free time, we recommend visiting the following places of interest: